Using Dynamic Simulation to Teach Physics in a Real-World Context |
Gary B. Hirsch |
Science |
This paper describes a family of simulators that have been developed to teach several topics in physics, including circular motion, collisions, energy storage, and heat flow. These simulators provide students with laboratories for experimenting with the phenomena in the context of real world situations such as driving, home energy conservation, and sports. The paper contrasts dynamic simulation and traditional approaches to teaching physics. It also discusses the value of simulators with "user friendly" interfaces, compared to using System Dynamics models alone. The paper describes how each phenomenon was modeled and presents interfaces for each simulator. Note: The simulator works only with Windows.
Complex Systems Connection: Incorrect High-Leverage Policies. Physical systems can be feedback-rich, complex systems, in the same manner as social systems. They can provide counterintuitive responses to leverage points. In these simulations, students can experience some of the consequences of pushing high-leverage policies in the wrong direction. |
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What It's Like to Be a Pioneer: Interedisciplinary, Naturally. |
Debra Lyneis |
Implementation |
Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. Jay Forrester has suggested that we could speed the spread of learner-centered-learning and system dynamics in K-12 education by sharing tales of "what it’s like to be a pioneer." It might help others who are starting out, or just curious, to know about other teachers’ experiences, positive student outcomes, pitfalls, political issues, responses of administrators and fellow teachers, student and parent feedback, triumphs and tribulations. This paper presents one such vignette |
What It's Like to Be a Pioneer: Let The Students Surprise You |
Deb Lyneis |
Implementation |
Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. Jay Forrester has suggested that we could speed the spread of learner-centered learning and system dynamics in K-12 education by sharing tales of "what it’s like to be a pioneer." It might help others who are starting out, or just curious, to know about other teachers’ experiences, positive student outcomes, pitfalls, political issues, responses of administrators and fellow teachers, student and parent feedback, triumphs and tribulations. This paper presents one such vignette. |
What It's Like to Be a Pioneer: One Student's Positive Feedback |
Debra Lyneis |
Implementation |
Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. Jay Forrester has suggested that we could speed the spread of learner-centered learning and system dynamics in K-12 education by sharing tales of "what it’s like to be a pioneer." It might help others who are starting out, or just curious, to know about other teachers’ experiences, positive student outcomes, pitfalls, political issues, responses of administrators and fellow teachers, student and parent feedback, triumphs and tribulations. This paper presents one such vignette. |
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 10: Tree of Life, The World of the African Baobab |
Linda Booth Sweeney |
Cross-Curricular |
Describes the life cycle of the Baobab tree and the animals and plants that depend on it. Includes connections to concepts such as feedback relationships and delays. |
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 11: The Lorax |
Linda Booth Sweeney |
Cross-Curricular |
The desire to have more and more drives the Once-ler to chop down more and more trees to create a product he sells. Eventually, the trees are gone.
Complex Systems Connection: Short and Long Term Conflicts. The short-term action of cutting down trees (taking a resource faster than it can regenerate) eventually leads (after a delay) to the disappearance of the forest. |
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 12: Who Speaks for Wolf, A Native American Learning Story |
Linda Booth Sweeney |
Cross-Curricular |
Based on a Native American story, a tribe lives among wolves in an interconnected holistic system. |
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 2: The Old Lady Who Liked Cats |
Linda Booth Sweeney |
Cross-Curricular |
When a mayor decides to eliminate all the cats on an island, it creates a cascading set of negative effects.
Complex Systems Connection: Ineffective Action, Short and Long Term Conflicts. By removing the cats, the system is completely pushed out of balance, creating havoc on the system as a whole. Only by bringing back the cats do the issues resolve. |
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 3: The Cat in the Hat Comes Back |
Linda Booth Sweeney |
Cross-Curricular |
A cat causes trouble for two children by making a giant mess when their mother is away.
Complex Systems Connection: Ineffective Action, Short and Long Term Conflicts. The cat's methods for fixing the problem (spots) leads to an even bigger problem. |
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 4: Once a Mouse: A Fable Cut in Wood |
Linda Booth Sweeney |
Cross-Curricular |
A hermit protects a mouse by turning him into bigger and bigger animals until finally he's a tiger. He becomes "too big for his britches," threatening others including the hermit. Finally, the hermit turns him back into a mouse.
Complex Systems Connection: Ineffective Action, Short and Long Term Conflicts. The hermit's solution creates a worsening problem over time. |