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Search results for: Cause within System
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A System Dynamics Approach to Rabbits (S-shaped growth) (D-4286)
Author(s): Terri Duhon Subject: System Dynamics
Banzai Barbie! STELLA Model Building and Graph Analysis in Math and Science Using Bungee Jumping
Author(s): Mary Memmott, & Becky Hadden Subject: Cross-Curricular
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Behind Closed Gates: Potential dynamics when one group or individual is given complete control over another
Author(s): Jen Andersen, Anne LaVigne, Jeff Potash, & Lees Stuntz Subject: Cross-Curricular

Link to the simulation:
Bumbles and Woofs: A Population Model
Author(s): Rachel Henry Subject: Cross-Curricular
Causes of the Civil War
Author(s): Greg Reid Subject: Social Studies
Chocolates, Vanillas, Strawberries, and Orwell: An Animal Farm Physical Simulation
Author(s): Nancy Campbell, & Ron Michalak Subject: English
Comments on Future of K-12 Education (D-4900-1)
Author(s): Jay Forrester Subject: System Dynamics
Easter Island Population Model
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Social Studies
Fish Banks Packet
Author(s): System Dynamics in Education Project Subject: Cross-Curricular
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GET MOVING! Solutions to the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity
Author(s): Omar Aboulezz, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Student Work
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