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The Shape of Change Models
Author(s): Jeff Potash, & John Heinbokel Subject: Cross-Curricular
  These are the models that accompany The Shape of Change lessons.

Complex Systems Connection: Some lessons in the Shape of Change series can be used to illustrate specific characteristics of complex systems. Please see individual lessons for more information.
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The Shape of Change: Stocks and Flows
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
  This book builds on lessons developed in "The Shape of Change," Students learn why things change, using stock/flow diagrams as a tool to give them a way to visually represent and examine the causes of change.

Complex Systems Connection: Some lessons in the Shape of Change series can be used to illustrate specific characteristics of complex systems. Please see individual lessons for more information.
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Three Things to Remember About Behavior-over-Time Graphs
Author(s): Alan Ticotsky Subject: Cross-Curricular
  BOTGs are designed to represent our thinking. All BOTG graphs allow our 'mental models' to take a visual form so we can share them, or analyze them ourselves. Alan Ticotsky presents three insights which will help utilize BOTGs effectively.
Tooling Game
Author(s): John Sterman, & Will Glass Husain Subject: Cross-Curricular
  From Catalina Foothills School District. STELLA II v. 3.0 model of John Sterman's "Tooling Game of Deadline Pressure." This model helps students analyze study habits; "tooling" is an MIT word for studying.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System, Short and Long Term Conflicts. Many people are familiar with the story of the grasshopper and the ant. This simulation allows students to experience the long-term pain of not keeping up with homework assignments! Students may think that teachers are out to "get them" with ever-increasing piles of assignments, but this simulation shows that their own study habits can be to blame for the end-of-the-semester crunch they run into.
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Understanding the Tragedy of the Sahel (D-4302)
Author(s): Corey L. Lofdahl Subject: Cross-Curricular
  A system dynamics analysis of the Sahel famine, through the tragedy of the commons and a number of models. Requires a Macintosh computer and STELLA software.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. In systems where renewable resources are used up, people often blame others. Decisions to use the resource faster than it can be replenished is the real cause, however.
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What Effects Does Raising the Minimum Wage Have on a Business?
Author(s): Danny Green, & Alan Martin Subject: Student Work
  A 1999 SyMBowl finalist paper. This paper discusses a model developed to demonstrate the future effects, help or harm, to a business if the minimum wage is raised.
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What It's Like to Be a Pioneer: Let The Students Surprise You
Author(s): Deb Lyneis Subject: Implementation
  Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. Jay Forrester has suggested that we could speed the spread of learner-centered learning and system dynamics in K-12 education by sharing tales of "what it’s like to be a pioneer." It might help others who are starting out, or just curious, to know about other teachers’ experiences, positive student outcomes, pitfalls, political issues, responses of administrators and fellow teachers, student and parent feedback, triumphs and tribulations. This paper presents one such vignette.
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 12: Who Speaks for Wolf, A Native American Learning Story
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Based on a Native American story, a tribe lives among wolves in an interconnected holistic system.
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 5: The Sneeches and Other Stories
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Prejudice between two groups leads to actions which further promotes exclusivity.

Complex Systems Connection: Shifting Burden, Short and Long Term Conflicts. The burden of solving a need for exclusivity is shifted to a short-term solution that takes away focus from the more fundamental answer to the problem.
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 8: A River Ran Wild
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Based on a true story of the Nashua River, the book describes the river over a 7000-year period.

Complex Systems Connection: Short and Long Term Conflicts. The limits to growth archetype tells the story of how overuse of the river to meet short-term needs lead to its near death over the long-term.
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