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Search results for: Social Studies
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Mosquito Nets for Fishing
Author(s): George Richardson Subject: Cross-Curricular
Modern Electronics: Teaching Economics to High School Students with a System Dynamics Simulator
Author(s): Gary B. Hirsch Subject: Social Studies
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Modeling Your Future
Author(s): Bob Allnutt, J. Harvester, & J. Miller Subject: Cross-Curricular
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Modeling Dynamic Systems Section 9
Author(s): Diana Fisher Subject: System Dynamics

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Modeling Dynamic Systems Section 8
Author(s): Diana Fisher Subject: System Dynamics

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Modeling Dynamic Systems Section 7
Author(s): Diana Fisher Subject: System Dynamics
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Modeling Dynamic Systems Section 6
Author(s): Diana Fisher Subject: System Dynamics

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Modeling Dynamic Systems Section 10
Author(s): Diana Fisher Subject: System Dynamics

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Model Mysteries: An Exploration of Vampires, Zombies, and Other Fantastic Scenarios to Make the World a Better Place
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, & Lees Stuntz Subject: Cross-Curricular
Living Lands — Forest and Town Simulation
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, & Jen Andersen Subject: Cross-Curricular
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