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Student/Teacher Mentor Program in Modeling and Simulation
Author(s): Susan Ragan Subject: Project Histories
  From the Maryland Virtual High School. A description of the Student/Teacher Mentor Program in the Modeling and Simulation course taught at Montgomery Blair High School, with samples of a unit test, worksheets, project ideas and evaluation form. Funded by
System Dynamics and Learner-Centered Learning in Kindergarten through 12th Grade Education (D-4337)
Author(s): Jay W. Forrester Subject: Why K12 SD
  An argument for the necessity of change in the educational process and the applicability of system dynamics in K-12 education. By the founder of the discipline of system dynamics.
System Dynamics and Student Leadership
Author(s): Dan Barcan Subject: Implementation
  A discussion of one of the activities at DynamiQueST 2001, how it worked and how systems dynamics affected the students involved
System Dynamics in K-12 Education: Lessons Learned
Author(s): Debra Lyneis, & Lees N. Stuntz Subject: Implementation
  This is a follow-up report from the 2001 SD in K-12 planning meeting held at Essex, MA. Key players in the K-12 SD field reflect on their work, lessons they have learned, and future plans.
System Stories for Children
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Implementation
  How many children’s stories embody systems principles? Over the past several years, on a journey in an attempt answer to that question, the author found a growing number of stories that embody systems principles and archetypes. This excerpt is taken from a longer piece that includes an introduction to targeted systems concepts, an analysis of 15 stories and tips on how to use the collection.
Systemic Planning
Author(s): Ralph Brauer, John Heinbokel, & Jeff Potash Subject: Implementation
  Insights and discussion about the development of a basic outline model focusing on student performance.
Systems Academy for Young Scientists (SAYS) Pilot Summer Program
Author(s): Rudy Reyna, Andi Guerrero, & Ben Jurewicz Subject: Conference
  The Systems Academy for Young Scientists (SAYS) pilot summer session consisted of a 5-week enrichment program offered to elementary students to explore ST/SD. This session will discuss the design of the program, the model, the implementation including budget, timeline, etc., lessons learned, results and plans for 2010. This session is geared towards elementary level teachers and administrators.
Systems Education For Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade in the United States: A View from the Creative Learning Exchange
Author(s): Lees N. Stuntz Subject: Project Histories
  An overview of 7 different schools using system dynamics and the means by which they began, gives insights into how other school systems might approach the venture.
Systems Thinking Applications in the English Classroom: Developing Character Analysis Using the Ladder of Connectedness and Causal Loops
Author(s): Stephanie DiCarlo Subject: Implementation
  Stephanie DiCarlo, an experienced high school English teacher from Innovation Academy Charter School, utilizes systems thinking tools to help her students conceptualize and connect life to literature. She found the ladder of connectedness from Peter Senge and causal loop diagrams effective in exploring the hardships of foster care, juvenile court and other familial and social systems found in the novel-in-verse, Keesha’s House. In this paper she outlines step by step how she teaches using systems tools to enhance her students ability to analyze literature and build critical thinking capacity.
Systems Thinking, Four Key Questions
Author(s): Barry Richmond Subject: Why K12 SD
  A general over-view. Interesting paper to read to get the perspective of a professional system dynamicist.
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