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Search results for: Implementation
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The Story of Charles: Introducing Systems Thinking Tools to the Harris School
Author(s): Robert Kalman Subject: Implementation
  A school principal discusses how using systems thinking tools may help schools to move in more productive, useful directions in response to difficulties.
Thinking Systemically about Common Core Mathematical Practice Standards:
Author(s): Jeff Potash Subject: Implementation
  As a starting point for discussion, the author proposes a reinforcing feedback loop to answer the question, "Can the mathematics standards be organized to support systems thinking and learning?"
Tips for Using System Dynamics Tools
Author(s): Catalina Foothills School District Subject: Implementation
  From CFSD. This paper includes tips for using behavior-over-time graphs, causal loops diagrams and stock/flow maps. It is an excellent reference.
Use of Gaming as a Tool in Education: Resources for Teachers
Author(s): Dennis Meadows Subject: Implementation
  A partial list of a variety of materials that may be helpful to teachers interested in using games to supplement other methods for conveying the principles and tools of systems thinking.
Using Computer Models To Apply Concepts In Math (D-4326-1)
Author(s): Tad T. Sudnick Subject: Math
  This paper advocates applying math knowledge in a high school science classroom on the premise that science and math should be taught together and that computer modeling is an extremely effective means of doing so.
Using Model Mysteries in the Classroom
Author(s): Rachel Molenaar Subject: System Dynamics
  I’ve used the Model Mysteries lessons in my precalculus class every year, and I’d like to share my plans and supporting documents so that other teachers can more easily implement these powerful and entertaining lessons in their own classrooms.
Using Stella to Understand Debt
Author(s): Rachel Molenaar Subject: Math
  I created a lesson using a series of models in the online version of Stella (ISEE Systems) to help my students better understand the relationship between debt, interest rates, and payments. My goal was to increase their comprehension of the pitfalls of credit card debt in particular, and also introduce them to building stock-and-flow models and interpreting graphs to answer questions.
What Behaviors Are Desirable in Students Creating System Models? A Step before Assessment.
Author(s): Diana Fisher, & Tim Joy Subject: Implementation
  This presentation attempts to take one step back from the assessment issue and determine what the authors feel are desirable traits in a student or student group who has chosen to study problems from a systems perspective.
What It's Like to Be a Pioneer: Interedisciplinary, Naturally.
Author(s): Debra Lyneis Subject: Implementation
  Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. Jay Forrester has suggested that we could speed the spread of learner-centered-learning and system dynamics in K-12 education by sharing tales of "what it’s like to be a pioneer." It might help others who are starting out, or just curious, to know about other teachers’ experiences, positive student outcomes, pitfalls, political issues, responses of administrators and fellow teachers, student and parent feedback, triumphs and tribulations. This paper presents one such vignette
What It's Like to Be a Pioneer: Working with an Expert.
Author(s): Debra Lyneis Subject: Implementation
  Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. Jay Forrester has suggested that we could speed the spread of learner-centered-learning and system dynamics in K-12 education by sharing tales of "what it’s like to be a pioneer." It might help others who are starting out, or just curious, to know about other teachers’ experiences, positive student outcomes, pitfalls, political issues, responses of administrators and fellow teachers, student and parent feedback, triumphs and tribulations. This paper presents one such vignette.
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