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Search results for: A Ticotsky
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Shape of Change (Lesson 6): The Tree Game, including Stocks and Flows
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
Shape of Change (Lesson 7): The Tree Game Puzzle, including Stocks and Flows
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
Shape of Change (Lesson 8): The Rainforest Game, including Stocks and Flows
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
Shape of Change (Lesson 9): The Connection Game, including Stocks and Flows
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
The Mammoth Extinction Game
Author(s): Gene Stamell, A Ticotsky, & R Quaden Subject: Cross-Curricular
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The Shape of Change
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
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The Shape of Change: Stocks and Flows
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
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