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Search results for: Anne LaVigne
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Oscillations 1A: Fun with Springs
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, Jennifer Anderson, & in collaboration with the CLE Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Students explore a simple spring simulation is see how springs behave, given different characteristics. Students can change the springiness, the resistance, and the amount of push or pull.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. Five interdisciplinary areas are covered in a series of lessons, utilizing a family of models that all generate oscillation. Oscillation in real-world systems is often considered problematic rather than a consequence of system structure. This progression of lessons will help students understand that undesirable behavior can be a consequence of system structure and not a result of outside, uncontrollable influences. In other words, a system that oscillates does so because it has an inherent tendency to do so.

Link to the simulation:
Oscillations 1 Background Information on Simulation Created for Lesson 1: Springs Everywhere: Exploring Spring-Mass Dynamics
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, Jennifer Andersen, & in collaboration with the CLE Subject: Cross-Curricular
  This lesson is a precursor to the Oscillation curriculum created for the Complex Systems Project. Experimenting with a virtual spring will help students gain an intuitive understanding for why a spring oscillates. This knowledge will be reinforced in other lessons in this series.

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. Five interdisciplinary areas are covered in a series of lessons, utilizing a family of models that all generate oscillation. Oscillation in real-world systems is often considered problematic rather than a consequence of system structure. This progression of lessons will help students understand that undesirable behavior can be a consequence of system structure and not a result of outside, uncontrollable influences. In other words, a system that oscillates does so because it has an inherent tendency to do so.
Micro-Lesson: Making Thinking Visible - A Video Collection
Author(s): Anne LaVigne Subject: Micro Lesson
  A short introduction to the Making Thinking Visible Video series.
Micro-Lesson: Beyond the In and Out Game
Author(s): Anne LaVigne Subject: Micro Lesson
  This short lesson gives a description of how use the Splash! modeling app to build the model from In and Out Game in the Shape of Change. There are links to the simulation and the model on the CLE website.
Making Friends for Primary Students (Grades K-3)
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, & Lindsey Buckler Subject: Cross-Curricular
  This lesson is very similar to the “Making Friends” lesson in The Shape of Change. The main difference is the wording of the questions, the handouts, and the activity rules, which are aimed at younger students. In addition, a simple online simulation is available as an extension. Students explore what happens to the number of friends over time, given different scenarios for gaining new friends. Students can also explore what might happen if they lose friends.
  Zipped (Models & PDF)

Link to the simulation:
Let It Snow: Micro-Lesson
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, & Lees Stuntz Subject: Micro Lesson
  Micro Lesson for Splash!
Infection Game For Primary Students (Grades K-3)
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, & Lindsey Buckler Subject: Cross-Curricular
  This lesson is similar to the “The Infection Game” lesson in The Shape of Change. The activity rules are modified for younger children who do not know the concept of multiplication. The handouts and debrief questions are aimed at younger students. In addition, a simple online simulation is available as an extension. Students explore what happens to the number of people “infected” over time. Infections can include the spread of an illness, the spread of a good idea, or the spread of kindness.
  Zipped (Models & PDF)

Link to the simulation:
I in Inflation App Mini-Lesson
Author(s): Anne LaVigne Subject: Cross-Curricular
  "‘I’ in Inflation" is a free, engaging, easy-to-use app for students and others to explore the relationships among wages, inflation, and a potential gap in spending power over time.
FishBanks Simulation Guide
Author(s): Anne laVigne Subject: Cross-Curricular
  FishBanks is an online multi-user simulation to explore the management of a marine fishery. The simulation, created through MIT, is available for educators to use at no cost. Students experience the difficulties of managing a renewable resource, seeing how short-term goals can interfere with long-term success. The lesson includes student handouts, introduction and debriefing slideshows, and a technical guide.
  Zipped (Models & PDF)
Building the Behind Closed Gates Model
Author(s): Anne LaVigne Subject: Cross-Curricular
  The Behind Closed Gates simulation/model is loosely based on an experiment conducted at Stanford University in 1971. The psychologist who designed that experiment, Phillip Zimbardo, wanted to see how typical people would act if they were asked to take on roles of prisoners and guards. The experiment and model are certainly about a prison environment, but they are also relevant to many other similar scenarios. The experiment is frequently referenced when trying to understand current and historic situations involving power and control. Now you can build most of the underlying model and explore questions and situations beyond those presented in the simulation.
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