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Search results for: Cross-Curricular
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Among the Hidden
Author(s): Gail Falewicz Subject: Cross-Curricular
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Analyzing a Stock and Flow Model to Understand the Body’s Ability to Process Alcohol
Author(s): Ashley Joyce Subject: Cross-Curricular
Assessing the Effectiveness of Systems-Oriented Instruction for Preparing Students to Understand Complexity
Author(s): Richard Randall Plate Subject: Research
Bacteria Sandwich - Mini App
Author(s): Anne LaVigne Subject: Cross-Curricular
Banzai Barbie! STELLA Model Building and Graph Analysis in Math and Science Using Bungee Jumping
Author(s): Mary Memmott, & Becky Hadden Subject: Cross-Curricular
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Behind Closed Gates - Paper from the 2015 System Dynamics Conference
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, & Lees Stuntz Subject: Cross-Curricular
Behind Closed Gates: Potential dynamics when one group or individual is given complete control over another
Author(s): Jen Andersen, Anne LaVigne, Jeff Potash, & Lees Stuntz Subject: Cross-Curricular

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Building Slightly More Complex Models: Calculators vs. STELLA
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Research
Building the Behind Closed Gates Model
Author(s): Anne LaVigne Subject: Cross-Curricular
Bumbles and Woofs: A Population Model
Author(s): Rachel Henry Subject: Cross-Curricular
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