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Search results for: Project Histories
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Mistakes Made in the Early Years Teaching Students and Teachers to Create System Models
Author(s): Diana Fisher Subject: Implementation
  From CC-STADUS/CC-SUSTAIN. Presented at the 16th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society in Quebec '98. The mistakes the author made on the journey to teach herself, her students, and other teachers to create STELLA models to study dynamic phenomenon. Some mistakes relate to classroom experiences and others relate to team teaching experiences.
Lowering the Barriers to Systems Thinking: Lessons from India
Author(s): Steve Kipp Subject: Project Histories
  Personal experience has shown that it is easier to demonstrate how well Systems Thinking (ST) works with students than it is to convince teachers that they themselves are capable of integrating ST into their palette of effective strategies. On a recent tr
Learning About System Dynamics: One Experience
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Project Histories
  From CC-STADUS. A narrative about Diana Fisher's (Math teacher in the Portland Public Schools) experience learning about STELLA and systems education.
K-12 Systems Thinking Standards
Author(s): Richard Langheim, & Timothy Lucas Subject: Project Histories
  A set of standards outlining what level of understanding of systems students should have in various grades, K-12.
Introducing System Dynamics into the Traditional Secondary Curriculum: The CC-STADUS Project's Search for Leverage Points
Author(s): Ron Zaraza, & Diana Fisher Subject: Implementation
  From CC-STADUS. A discussion of the single-subject natural "entry points" for system dynamics—areas where systems ideas and models are natural topics. Examples are given for physics, biology, mathematics, social sciences and literature.
GIST Sampler/Project Overview
Author(s): GIST Subject: Project Histories
  From the GIST Project. A full report of the GIST project, its goals, how it began, and how it has evolved; learning environment development and descriptions, activity sheets.
Getting Started with System Thinking in the Primary Grades
Author(s): Sharon Coffin Subject: Implementation
  From Maumee Valley Country Day School. Sharon Coffin's account of her start in teaching systems thinking and some curricula she developed to teach the concepts to the primary grades.
Experiences in Developing Single-Discipline and Cross-Curricular Models for Classroom Use
Author(s): Ron Zaraza, & Diana Fisher Subject: Project Histories
  From CC-STADUS. The experiences of the CC-STADUS staff and participants in the CC-STADUS Project lead to recommendations and suggestions for model development and documentation, and training programs for teachers. Presented at the 1996 International Syste
Dynamic Modeling with Computers: A Tool for Learning
Author(s): Lees N. Stuntz Subject: Project Histories
  A short descriptive article giving an overview of the use of dynamic modeling in the curriculum.
Designing Instructional Units with a Systems Thinking/System Dynamics Approach
Author(s): Lil Williams Subject: Project Histories
  From the GIST Project. A brief explanation, with specific examples using GIST curricula, of when and how a study can be enhanced with an ST/SD approach.
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