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Search results for: Math
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A System Dynamics Approach to Rabbits (S-shaped growth) (D-4286)
Author(s): Terri Duhon Subject: System Dynamics
Among the Hidden
Author(s): Gail Falewicz Subject: Cross-Curricular
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An Introduction to Linear Models: Using STELLA to Solve Word Problems
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Deb Lyneis Subject: Math
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Bacteria Sandwich - Mini App
Author(s): Anne LaVigne Subject: Cross-Curricular
Banzai Barbie! STELLA Model Building and Graph Analysis in Math and Science Using Bungee Jumping
Author(s): Mary Memmott, & Becky Hadden Subject: Cross-Curricular
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Building Slightly More Complex Models: Calculators vs. STELLA
Author(s): Diana M. Fisher Subject: Research
Bumbles and Woofs: A Population Model
Author(s): Rachel Henry Subject: Cross-Curricular
CO2018_Teaching STEM with Systems Tools
Author(s): Chris DiCarlo, Ashley Young, Katharine Hinkle, & Rachel Henry Subject: Conference
Deeper Learning and the Common Core
Author(s): Sheri Marlin Subject: Cross-Curricular
Designing a Hands-On Approach to Calculus (D-4317)
Author(s): William Glass Subject: Math
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