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Two Loops, Three Loops, or Four Loops: Pedagogic Issues in Explaining Epidemic Dynamics
Author(s): James M. Lyneis, & Debra Lyneis Subject: System Dynamics
  How many feedback loops, and of what type, control the behavior of an epidemic? A search of the literature discovered two-, three-, and four-loop versions of the basic epidemic model in introductory system dynamics materials. How can the same behavior be explained with such different feedback structures? Can they all be right? This paper analyzes the three basic model structures and discusses implications for system dynamics pedagogy. We conclude that either the two- or four-loop versions of the basic epidemic model are acceptable representations, with the two-loop version recommended for beginners; the three-loop version of the system is never correct. In addition, we suggest that the development of incorrect representations such as the three-loop epidemic model can be avoided if standard system dynamics modeling practice is followed – formulating a dynamic hypothesis to explain the observed behavior.
Understanding Oscillations in Simple Systems
Author(s): Nathaniel J Mass, & Peter M Senge Subject: System Dynamics
  This paper presents some arguments to succcesfully develop insight into simple oscillating systems. The paper analyzes a one-level model for the population growth of rabbits in a closed field to illustrate why a first-order negative-feedback system exhibits a smooth transition to equilibrium. It also analyzes a simple inventory workforce model to provide an intuitive explanation of the causes of convergent, divergent, and undamped oscillations. (D-2045-2, SDG, MIT 1975)

Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. This paper addresses the topic of oscillation and can be used as a precusor to the Oscillations curriculum. In this curriculum, five interdisciplinary areas are covered in a series of lessons, utilizing a family of models that all generate oscillation. Oscillation in real-world systems is often considered problematic rather than a consequence of system structure. This progression of lessons will help students understand that undesirable behavior can be a consequence of system structure and not a result of outside, uncontrollable influences. In other words, a system that oscillates does so because it has an inherent tendency to do so.
Using Model Mysteries in the Classroom
Author(s): Rachel Molenaar Subject: System Dynamics
  I’ve used the Model Mysteries lessons in my precalculus class every year, and I’d like to share my plans and supporting documents so that other teachers can more easily implement these powerful and entertaining lessons in their own classrooms.
Why System Dynamics?
Author(s): Richard Turnock Subject: Why K12 SD
  From an online blog, this article presents clearly and concisely that the public school paradigms of "what" and "how" lack the "why." System Dynamics enables us to understand WHY systems work the way they do in order to prepare for the future.
Why Use Systems Thinking and System Dynamics in K-12 Education?
Author(s): CLE Subject: Why K12 SD
  A brief answer to the question posed in the title. When ST/SD tools and concepts are used in conjunction with a student-centered approach, schools, students, teachers and communities benefit. As ST/SD is integrated into the culture of classrooms and schools, it creates a positive cycle of engagement and motivation for both students and their teachers.
Writing and Modeling: Using a Notebook to Learn about System Dynamics.
Author(s): Tim Joy Subject: Implementation
  Guidelines for using a systems notebook, as well as a long list of writing and mapping exercises that integrates the writing process with system dynamics instruction. These guidelines and exercises are especially helpful for middle and high school students who are building some early confidence in basic stock and flow mapping as well as those students ready for model building and testing.
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