Everyday Behavior Over Time Graphs. |
Gene Stamel, & Debra Lyneis |
Cross-Curricular |
This paper gives general suggestions and specific lessons for using behavior over time graphs in language arts, math, social studies, and science. After an introduction and a little bit of practice, students become skilled at using the graphs to both understand patterns of change and express their ideas about them. |
Alan Ticotsky |
Cross-Curricular |
Stock/flow diagrams and computer modeling are wonderful tools to help us understand and solve complex problems and systems. But they should not be reserved only for those complex scenarios. Teaching young students to draw stock/flow diagrams to understand simpler problems helps them to begin thinking systemically. Using eleven familiar and common situations, this series of problem sets designed for middle school students makes the tools accessible and comprehensible. |
Focus on Folk Tales and Fairy Tales |
Tori Christopher, & Anne LaVigne |
English |
From Catalina Foothills School District. Students read folk tales and fairy tales and use systems concepts and tools to analyze the events, patterns, structures and mental models within them. |
Getting Started with Behavior Over Time Graphs: Four Curriculum Examples |
Gayle Richardson |
Cross-Curricular |
Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. A presentation of how BOTG's are used in a 5th grade curriculum. Although the paper focuses on fifth grade language arts and social studies lessons, its curriculum approach and the BOTG instructions apply across all curriculum areas and all grade levels. |
Infection Game For Primary Students (Grades K-3) |
Anne LaVigne, & Lindsey Buckler |
Cross-Curricular |
This lesson is similar to the “The Infection Game” lesson in The Shape of Change. The activity rules are modified for younger children who do not know the concept of multiplication. The handouts and debrief questions are aimed at younger students. In addition, a simple online simulation is available as an extension. Students explore what happens to the number of people “infected” over time. Infections can include the spread of an illness, the spread of a good idea, or the spread of kindness. |
Zipped (Models & PDF)
Link to the simulation: http://www.clexchange.org/curriculum/shapeofchange/soc_5_Infection.asp
Interdisciplinary Evaluation Techniques Using System Dynamics (D-4320-1) |
Tad T. Sudnick |
Implementation |
This paper discusses how the use of STELLA models in a high school science class demands interdisciplinary skills and content, and the importance of evaluating them. |
Lessons from The Lorax: Using Graphs to Study Change |
Rob Quaden, & Alan Ticotsky |
Cross-Curricular |
In this lesson, students read The Lorax and draw graphs to illustrate the changes that happen over the course of the story. Using simply stated questions, readers grapple with the complex themes in the book and movie. Students will investigate how cycles compete for dominance, and think about how the needs of business and natural resources can collide.
Complex Systems Connection: Separate Cause and Effect, Short and Long Term Conflicts.
Short-term focus on making money results in depletion of resource and environmental degradation over time and the collapse of the business. Actions and consequences are separated by time. |
Making Friends for Primary Students (Grades K-3) |
Anne LaVigne, & Lindsey Buckler |
Cross-Curricular |
This lesson is very similar to the “Making Friends” lesson in The Shape of Change. The main difference is the wording of the questions, the handouts, and the activity rules, which are aimed at younger students. In addition, a simple online simulation is available as an extension. Students explore what happens to the number of friends over time, given different scenarios for gaining new friends. Students can also explore what might happen if they lose friends. |
Zipped (Models & PDF)
Link to the simulation: http://www.clexchange.org/curriculum/shapeofchange/soc_2_Friendship.asp
Model Mysteries: An Exploration of Vampires, Zombies, and Other Fantastic Scenarios to Make the World a Better Place |
Anne LaVigne, & Lees Stuntz |
Cross-Curricular |
This book contains six main chapters, each with a new mystery to solve. Each chapter has a number of similar stories to try, depending on your interest. The modeling activities are intended for students from ages 10 to 110. In other words, if you’re interested in thinking about how to solve mysteries and like the idea of creating computer models and applying them to real-world problems, this book is for you. You can use it independently as a student, work with a group of students, or if you’re a teacher, share it with interested students to complete a guided or independent study project.
In addition to the main chapters, Chapter 7 provides an extension to build additional capacity in modeling, and Chapter 8 includes next steps, additional resources, and information about modeling software. You can also reference the appendices for details about completing the chapter mysteries.
Oscillations 2 Background Information on Simulation Created for Lesson 2: Romeo and Juliet: In Rapturous Oscillation? |
Jennifer Andersen, Anne LaVigne, & in collaboration with the CLE |
Cross-Curricular |
The model used in this lesson is structurally similar to the spring-mass simulation (Lesson 1) and is intended to follow it. It challenges students to apply what they have learned about springs to intangible subject matter. For example, “resistance” from the spring simulation gets recast as “fatigue” to show what happens when one party in a relationship gets tired of the up-and-down dynamic. Students should recognize that their own personal relationships include themselves as part of the system; therefore, they do have the opportunity to influence an unwanted dynamic.
Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. Five interdisciplinary areas are covered in a series of lessons, utilizing a family of models that all generate oscillation. Oscillation in real-world systems is often considered problematic rather than a consequence of system structure. This progression of lessons will help students understand that undesirable behavior can be a consequence of system structure and not a result of outside, uncontrollable influences. In other words, a system that oscillates does so because it has an inherent tendency to do so. |