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Search results for: English
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When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 12: Who Speaks for Wolf, A Native American Learning Story
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Cross-Curricular
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 11: The Lorax
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Cross-Curricular
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 10: Tree of Life, The World of the African Baobab
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Cross-Curricular
When a Butterfly Sneezes Story 1: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Cross-Curricular
Using Systems Tools to Improve Literacy
Author(s): Alan Ticotsky Subject: English
Using Systems Thinking to Develop Literacy Skills
Author(s): Brian Bindschadler Subject: Conference
Tuck Everlasting: System Dynamics, Literature, and Living Forever
Author(s): Carolyn Platt, Rob Quaden, & Debra Lyneis Subject: English
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Three Things to Remember About Behavior-over-Time Graphs
Author(s): Alan Ticotsky Subject: Cross-Curricular
The Tree Game for Primary Students (Grades K-3)
Author(s): Anne LaVigne, & Lindsey Weaver Subject: Cross-Curricular
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Teenagers with Global Control
Author(s): Teresa F. Hazel, & Timothy Joy Subject: Cross-Curricular
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