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Interdisciplinary Evaluation Techniques Using System Dynamics (D-4320-1)
Author(s): Tad T. Sudnick Subject: Implementation
  This paper discusses how the use of STELLA models in a high school science class demands interdisciplinary skills and content, and the importance of evaluating them.
Integrating Systems Thinking and Simulation into the Eighth Grade Science Curriculum
Author(s): Frank Draper Subject: Implementation
  A basic outline of the use of the systems approach in eighth grade science, including possible problems and benefits for teachers and students.
Innovation in Schools: A Model to Help Structure the Discussion and Guide the Search for Strategies D-4765
Author(s): Gary B. Hirsch Subject: Implementation
  This paper illustrates the steps in a system dynamics analysis of a problem, building a VENSIM model of educational innovation developed to help educators, administrators and others understand the process of innovation, specifically in a school's curriculum. Funded by the Gordon Brown Fund.
  Zipped (Models & PDF)
Improving Education In Public Schools: Innovative Teachers To The Rescue
Author(s): Gordon S. Brown Subject: Why K12 SD
  A discussion of the concepts of system dynamics and how they particularly relate to the educational framework of today's society.
How Is This Similar to That? The skill of recognizing parallel dynamic structures on center stage
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Research
  This article is intended to put systems educators' daily work in context for educational researchers and to highlight a central skill for schools seeking to teach students to see, understand, and ultimately affect the systems around them.
Getting Started with System Thinking in the Primary Grades
Author(s): Sharon Coffin Subject: Implementation
  From Maumee Valley Country Day School. Sharon Coffin's account of her start in teaching systems thinking and some curricula she developed to teach the concepts to the primary grades.
Fundamental Changes in How We Teach: A Narrative about Teaching System Dynamics and the Art of Learning
Author(s): Timothy Joy, & Ron Zaraza Subject: Implementation
  From CC-STADUS. A brief summation of the changes in teaching style among successful teachers in the CC-STADUS Project.
Four Sample Lesson Plans, translated from German and adapted by Stephanie Albin (D-4558)
Author(s): Stephanie Albin Subject: Implementation
  Four lesson plans using STELLA, developed by Hans-Ulrich Doenhoff, Wittern, Germany, intended to serve as a guide for teachers, to help them implement system dynamics in their lesson plans. The examples cover population demographics, titration, algae, and finance, and are geared toward a middle school and high school audience. They are not meant to be complete lesson plans, but rather an inspiration and a guide to system dynamics implementation.
Experiences in Developing Single-Discipline and Cross-Curricular Models for Classroom Use
Author(s): Ron Zaraza, & Diana Fisher Subject: Project Histories
  From CC-STADUS. The experiences of the CC-STADUS staff and participants in the CC-STADUS Project lead to recommendations and suggestions for model development and documentation, and training programs for teachers. Presented at the 1996 International Syste
Effective Use of Simulations in the Classroom
Author(s): (Martha) Jane Dunkel Chilcott Subject: Implementation
  From Catalina Foothills School District. This paper provides information that will help teachers understand what a simulation is as well as when and why to use one. Both system dynamics simulations and role-playing simulations are explained and related to each other. Detailed information is provided to help teachers implement simulations in the classroom.
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