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Search results for: Implementation
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Systemic Planning
Author(s): Ralph Brauer, John Heinbokel, & Jeff Potash Subject: Implementation
  Insights and discussion about the development of a basic outline model focusing on student performance.
System Stories for Children
Author(s): Linda Booth Sweeney Subject: Implementation
  How many children’s stories embody systems principles? Over the past several years, on a journey in an attempt answer to that question, the author found a growing number of stories that embody systems principles and archetypes. This excerpt is taken from a longer piece that includes an introduction to targeted systems concepts, an analysis of 15 stories and tips on how to use the collection.
System Dynamics in K-12 Education: Lessons Learned
Author(s): Debra Lyneis, & Lees N. Stuntz Subject: Implementation
  This is a follow-up report from the 2001 SD in K-12 planning meeting held at Essex, MA. Key players in the K-12 SD field reflect on their work, lessons they have learned, and future plans.
System Dynamics and Student Leadership
Author(s): Dan Barcan Subject: Implementation
  A discussion of one of the activities at DynamiQueST 2001, how it worked and how systems dynamics affected the students involved
System Dynamics and Learner-Centered Learning in Kindergarten through 12th Grade Education (D-4337)
Author(s): Jay W. Forrester Subject: Why K12 SD
  An argument for the necessity of change in the educational process and the applicability of system dynamics in K-12 education. By the founder of the discipline of system dynamics.
Student/Teacher Mentor Program in Modeling and Simulation
Author(s): Susan Ragan Subject: Project Histories
  From the Maryland Virtual High School. A description of the Student/Teacher Mentor Program in the Modeling and Simulation course taught at Montgomery Blair High School, with samples of a unit test, worksheets, project ideas and evaluation form. Funded by
Smallpox Crisis Management Simulation
Author(s): Ron Zaraza Subject: Cross-Curricular
  Twenty-three students from three Portland area high schools accepted an invitation to serve as part of the CMT for an unspecified disaster simulation. In 30 hours at Wilson High School, they went from the introduction of the problem to a fully developed and model-tested plan for dealing with a smallpox outbreak, reducing deaths from a possible 750,000+ to fewer than 250. They developed a control plan that used the same strategies the World Health Organization developed over a ten-year period for dealing with smallpox outbreaks.

Complex Systems Connection: Separate Cause and Effect. For some illness/disease, symptoms appear long after initial infection. Sometimes people travel great distance while infected because they are unaware of the infection. Medical "detectives" faced with an epidemic must understand how the infection spreads and how quickly. Delays in the system make this more difficult.
  Zipped (Models & PDF)
Shape of Change (Lesson 9): The Connection Game, including Stocks and Flows
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
  From "The Shape of Change." Students play a game in which their movements around the room depend on the movements of other players.

Complex Systems Connection: Ineffective Action, Incorrect High-Leverage Policies. This lesson can be used to gain an intuitive understanding of what it means to say a policy has "low leverage." This lesson can be used to gain an intuitive understanding of what it means to say a policy has "high leverage."
Shape of Change (Lesson 8): The Rainforest Game, including Stocks and Flows
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
  From "The Shape of Change." In this simulation game, students act out the lives of trees, following different planting and harvesting policies. Students may be surprised to learn that, while the game seems very active, the stock/flow map of the game is quite basic.

Complex Systems Connection: Short and Long Term Conflicts, Separate Cause and Effect. People sometimes decide to use natural resources to meet present goals (satisfy customers, increase profits) and ignore long-term consequences. Delays in a system involving renewable resources can make it difficult to understand how present decisions to use the resource will affect long-term sustainability.
Shape of Change (Lesson 7): The Tree Game Puzzle, including Stocks and Flows
Author(s): Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis Subject: Cross-Curricular
  From "The Shape of Change." This puzzle is an extension of the Tree Game. After playing the Tree Game, students explore what happens to the number of trees in a forest following a variety of planting and harvesting policies. In the Stocks and Flows lesson, students begin to learn to clarify their thinking, and experience the power of making stock/flow maps.

Complex Systems Connection: Short and Long Term Conflicts, Cause within System. People sometimes decide to use natural resources to meet present goals (satisfy customers, increase profits) and ignore long-term consequences. In systems where renewable resources are used up, people often blame others. Decisions to use the resource faster than it can be replenished is the real cause, however.
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