The Shape of Change Models |
Jeff Potash, & John Heinbokel |
Cross-Curricular |
These are the models that accompany The Shape of Change lessons.
Complex Systems Connection: Some lessons in the Shape of Change series can be used to illustrate specific characteristics of complex systems. Please see individual lessons for more information. |
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The Shape of Change |
Rob Quaden, Alan Ticotsky, & Debra Lyneis |
Cross-Curricular |
Eleven hands-on lessons/activities that promote critical thinking, teamwork and dialogue.
Complex Systems Connection: Some lessons in the Shape of Change series can be used to illustrate specific characteristics of complex systems. Please see individual lessons for more information. |
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The Mammoth Extinction Game |
Gene Stamell, A Ticotsky, & R Quaden |
Cross-Curricular |
Prepared with the support of the Gordon Stanley Brown Fund. In this interdisciplinary science, math, and social studies lesson, third graders examine how the wooly mammoth became extinct about 11,000 years ago. With a game and a hands-on model they learn about graphing, probability anda exponential decay in math, and they are intorduced to system dynamics modeling as a useful tool for looking at problems. |
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The Fish Pond Story |
Malcolm Brooks, & Richard Tu |
Cross-Curricular |
The sample game developed by Richard Tu in Taiwan and a simple simulation used in Maine based upon that game.
Complex Systems Connection: Cause within System. In systems where renewable resources are used up, people often blame others. Decisions to use the resource faster than it can be replenished is the real cause, however. |
Teenagers with Global Control |
Teresa F. Hazel, & Timothy Joy |
Cross-Curricular |
From CC-STADUS. After reading "Fahrenheit 451", students inherit a nation out of control with respect to its population and resources and have a cyber-century to salvage it. This model hails from "The Rulers" packet, with a few changes in the model and presentation. It begins with a basic population model, and so it works well for inexperienced STELLA users, teachers as well as students. It then expands through three permutations, and so do the curricular possibilities. |
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Teaching Robotics with Goal-Seeking Loops |
Chris DiCarlo |
Science |
This lesson illustrates using a classic system dynamics goal-seeking loop to help teach coding for robotics. |
Systems Tools in High School: Interdisciplinary Learning in a Science Classroom |
Alan Ticotsky |
Implementation |
A summary of how one teacher teaches across the curriculum. Chris DiCarlo teaches high school classes in several different disciplines at Innovation Academy Charter School (IACS). While technically in the science and math departments, he has taught physics, pre-calculus, robotics, environmental systems, financial literacy... and that's just in the past two years! The threads that tie together all of Chris's classes are a tightly woven combination of his own dynamic teaching style and the learning environment at IACS.
Chris worked with IACS high school principal, Greg Orpen, to design a one-semester elective systems course for Fall 2012. "Environmental Systems and Computer Modeling" was designed to provide students with an overview of the Earth's physical systems and how human activity affects those systems.
Succession from Sand Dune to Maritime Forest on a Barrier Island |
Aili Carlson, & Sarah Clemmitt |
Science |
From the Maryland Virtual High School. By building a computer model of a complex dynamic system--the succession form sand dune to maritime forest on a barrier island--the student develops an understanding of the relationships among many contributing variables. The exercise deals with both modeling skills and the ecology of barrier islands. Funded by the Gordon Brown Fund. |
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Studying The Lorax with Feedback Loops |
Rob Quaden, & Alan Ticotsky |
Cross-Curricular |
Students read "The Lorax," by Dr. Suess, and then develop a connection circle and causal loops to understand and illustrate the themes of the story.
Complex Systems Connection: Separate Cause and Effect, Short and Long Term Conflicts. Short-term focus on making money results in depletion of resource and environmental degradation over time and the collapse of the business. Actions and their detrimental consequences are separated by time. |
Students Taking a Systems Approach to Drinking and Driving |
Stephany Yerger |
Social Studies |
From CC-STADUS. A member of the class of 1999 at La Salle High School reports on the project she and classmates undertook to create a tool for hands-on alcohol education using STELLA. Model included. |
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